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Al Bigley's BATMAN HALLOWEEN ADVENTURE with Classic 1966 Adam West Costume

Out of the blue we hear from our good buddy Al Bigley and it appears he went a little nuts celebrating Halloween this year!! Yes, here he is at a fun local event wearing the brand-new Rubie's Classic BATMAN TV Series Halloween Costume. This thing is just like the one worn by Adam West in the 1960's TV show. Al is a huge fan of the Caped Crusader. Just check out his website sometime and you'll see, here's a link, CLICK HERE!

Also, Please be sure to tune-in to the BAT-BLOG.COM tomorrow when we share some of Al's Batman Comic Book "Bat-Logo Emblem" Halloween Pumpkins that he carved up for the party. They are really super-great ART masterpieces! Here's a teaser down below. Seriously, you won't want to miss them!!

"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb."


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